
We at Jolly People make every effort to ensure that the details of the events published on our platform are accurate and up-to-date.

We strive to provide reliable and comprehensive information about each event, including dates, times, locations, and other relevant details.

However, we cannot guarantee that all information is always 100% accurate, and we reserve the right to make changes to any event details without prior notice.

In such cases, we will update the information on our platform as soon as possible to reflect the changes.

We also want to make it clear that we are not responsible for any inconvenience, damage, or loss that may occur as a result of such changes.

It is the responsibility of event attendees and organizers to double-check event details and to confirm any changes or updates directly with the event organizers.

In addition, we do not endorse or guarantee the quality, safety, or reliability of any event listed on our platform, and we are not responsible for any harm, injury, or other issues that may arise during an event.

By using our platform and attending events listed on our platform, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions.