Join The Wings For Life World Run 2014

Wings for Life World Run 2014

On May 4, 2014 thousands of runners around the globe will unite simultaneously. The Wings for Life World Run aims to raise funds for spinal cord research and will start at the exact same time, 10am (UTC), in locations across the globe.

What is exciting about the Wings for Life World Run is that it actually has a starting line, but there is no finish line, and I think that concept is magic, said UK sprinter and hurdler Colin Jackson, who is the Wings for Life World Run sports director. The starting time will present a special challenge to runners in South Korea, New Zealand and Australia, who will be starting late in the day and running through the night, as well as those on the west coast of the United States, who will be starting in the middle of the night and running for hours before the sun rises.

This is a unique race that will be held in 36 different countries on 6 continents and there are still more time for you to sign up for the race in your country. The deadline for applications is on April 20.

Sign up now at

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