Benefit Concert Will Be Saturday In CPA Park 2009: Rockin22683648482 Wildside

Benefit concert will be Saturday in CPA Park

Rockin’ for the Wildside, a benefit concert Saturday in CPA Park, will raise money for the causes of two area organizations.
Operation WildLife, which helps wounded wild animals and the Downtown Eudora Business Association, which between losing members and the lagging economy is somewhat injured in its own right. The concert will feature live music at 2:30 p.m. from at least five bands, including Eudora’s own Dora Dank. Other bands that have been booked include Malevolent, Ear Deep and Hidemans Way. The event will feature local vendors, including Cutter’s Smokehouse and Pyle Meat. There also will be a beer garden from 4 to 10 p.m. The benefit is the brainchild of Matt and Tina Montgomery, founding members of DEBA and the owners and operators of DC Custom Cycles. Last fall, they had hoped to have a similar event, but construction in the downtown area caused them to hold off. They began planning for the event about four months ago.
“We were just kind of waiting for things to settle down as far the construction and be able to get all of our ducks in a row,†Matt Montgomery said.

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