Undeterred by the economic downturn, the Knights of Columbus Council 7091 donated $300 raised through its biweekly charity bingo to the Project Graduation program
at Winter Haven High School. The donation was presented by Charity Chairman Bob Connell to Tish Turner, whose daughter, Kaleigh Ray, is president of the senior class at Winter Haven High School. Welcomed by Grand Knight Chris Eirich as the council’s three newest members were Mike Stidwell, David LeVance and Kevin Vamos. Each of the new knights received a membership certificate from Eirich. Recognized with the council’s “Knight of the Month” award was Carmine Spiridigliozzi. Tom and Dorothy Habina were honored with the “Family of the Month” award. The service awards were presented by Deputy Grand Knight Jerry Messner. Spiridigliozzi was cited for volunteering to chair the council’s biweekly bingo program, which each year raises more than $30,000 for local charities. Before assuming the chairmanship, Spiridigliozzi was a caller at bingo. He also is actively involved in other K of C activities, including the Tootsie Roll Drive. Tom and Dorothy Habina were honored for their service to the K of C, the Columbiettes and St. Matthew Church. Tom Habina chairs the council’s building committee, is a regular bingo worker and serves as Faithful Navigator of the Frank J. Durbin Fourth Degree Assembly, while Dorothy is an active member of the Columbiettes. They both volunteered for the annual Tootsie Roll Drive. After welcoming the new members and observing the charitable and service award presentations, members of the council and its Columbiettes auxiliary enjoyed a medley of old-time favorites by the Citrus Lakes Barbershop Chorus. Knights of Columbus Council 7091 raises funds for local charities with its Sunday and Thursday evening bingos at the K of C Hall, 401 Third Street S.W. in Winter Haven. The doors open to the public at 5:30 p.m. with a “Quarters Up” round of bingo.
Every year, the council donates more than $30,000 to a wide variety of Winter Haven-area charitable organizations. The funds are raised through bingo, the Tootsie Roll Drive and other fundraisers.