LOCAL SPORTS IN BRIEF 2009: Lions Tourney


Lions tourney next weekend The annual Kilgore Lions Club golf tournament will be next Friday, May 22, at Meadowbrook Country Club, a two-person scramble
whose proceeds go to help various causes. There is a team entry fee of $150, or a solo entry fee of $75. Entry includes cart and green fees, and two mulligans per player. Door prizes will be available, and there will be refreshments provided on the course. Lunch will be from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Friday, with a 1 p.m. tee time. The first-place team will win $300 second place will take home $200, and third, $100. Prizes are based on a full field of 24 teams. The proceeds from the event go to help Boy Scout Troop 265, the Texas Lions Camp for Crippled Children, World Service for the Blind, the Eyeglass Program for Needy Children, Kilgore College scholarships and to the Christmas charity program. For more information, call David Cline at the Meadowbrook pro shop at (903) 984-3387, Richard Henley at (903) 983-3471, or Jeff Howell at (903) 987-0973.

Event Date and Time:
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