Kenny Rogers Joins Share Our Strength Benefit 2009: Atlanta Journalconstitution

Kenny Rogers joins Share Our Strength benefit

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution If you’re hoping Kenny Rogers will attend your charity bash, ask him at the last minute.
“It’s easier for me to say ‘yes’ tomorrow than ‘yes’ six months from now,” he said during a phone interview earlier this week. “I know what I’m doing tomorrow.” TASTE OF THE NATIONS WHEN: Wednesday, May 6. VIP reception starts at 6:30 p.m., main event starts at 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Georgia Aquarium TICKETS: $250, or VIP for $350 INFORMATION: The country-music-legend-turned-gentleman-farmer and his wife, Wanda, will serve as honorary chairmen at Share Our Strength’s Taste of the Nation event Wednesday at the Georgia Aquarium. Rogers’ philanthropic focus is “children, hunger and homelessness. This touches all three of them.” Taste of the Nation, featuring the culinary creations of Atlanta’s top chefs, benefits the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Open Hand and Genesis – A New Life. We caught up with Rogers as he supervised an army of workers renovating his home. “I’ve got 50 people in my house, and it’s just driving me crazy!” he said.
“I’m in a great place in my life,” he said. “I work as much as I want to work. I decided I didn’t want to work as much so I raised my price last year, and I worked more than I did the past 10 years. I’m going to keep raising my price until they quit paying.”

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