Guys N Gals has a unique way to put those old blue jeans to good use.
Every spring, the clothing store hosts its blue jean trade-in called Zip up the Homeless. The store, located at 6333 Orchard Lake Road in the Orchard Mall, invites customers to bring at least one pair of jeans to donate to New Bethel Outreach Ministries Shelter for the Homeless, in Pontiac. In return, consumers can purchase a new pair at half price. “We’re always looking for things to do for the community,” said Julie Feldman-Unatin, co-owner of the store, along with her mom, Lois Levenson. “It’s very important to our family to give back.” The 20th annual trade-in is set for 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. May 30. All donations at the May 30 event are tax-deductible. The pair aren’t just looking for jeans. Shoppers can drop off housewares, clothing and baby items. New Bethel volunteers, Guys N Gals employees and Levenson’s four daughters and 15 grandchildren will volunteer to collect items all day long. Every year, consumers line up outside the door early in the morning, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to give. The store collects at least 500 pairs of jeans every year at the trade-in plus “bags and bags and bags of other things,” Feldman-Unatin said. “This year, our jean trade-in will benefit everyone,” Feldman-Unatin said. “With the economy as bad as it is, consumers appreciate the retail discount on a new item of clothing while, unfortunately, shelters need the help more than ever.”
In anticipation of the event, Feldman-Unatin ordered double the normal amount of inventory for the store. If Guys N Gals sells out of its popular trendy jeans, customers can choose another item for half-price.