Charity Runners Uphill Battle 2009: Runners Tackled

Charity runners uphill battle

Runners tackled one of the city’s longest hills at the weekend to raise money for Romanian orphanages.
More than 30 people took on the charity challenge, which saw them run a three-mile circuit starting at the University of Bath. The route took runners down Bathwick Hill and then back up to the campus. The event, which saw participants dressed in an array of costumes that included pigs in tutus, is now in its 12th year. It is organised by Bath University Student Community Action Group and aims to raise money for Cry in the Dark, a charity that funds orphanages in Romania. The fastest runner was Ben Nugy, who completed the race in 16 minutes and 50 seconds. The fastest female, Lucy Saunders, completed the run in 27 minutes and five seconds. Volunteer support officer at the university Karen Thompson said it was a successful day and hopes to have raised hundreds of pounds.
Every summer, a group of volunteers travels to the small town of Comenesti to work in two orphanages, one for disabled children and another state-run orphanage.

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