Community News 2009: Heart Support

Community news

Heart support group to meet Mended Hearts will meet at 7:30 p.m.
May 7 in the Monroe AHEC Conference Center, 2000 Venture Tower Drive. Pharmacist Brian Fuller will present the program. Mended Hearts is a support group for persons with cardiovascular disease and caregivers. For more information, call Bob Dough at 756-5128. Mayor to speak at league lunch The League of Women Voters will hold a “Lunch with League” at noon May 7 at The Daily Grind. Greenville Mayor Pat Dunn will discuss the city’s growth and quality of life. Participants will order from the menu and pay for their own meals. For more information, contact Etsil Mason at 753-4513 or Legion riders to support troops
The American Legion Riders will arrive in Greenville from Florida on May 9 to support Give2TheTroops with a presentation of donations. The event also will include a rally and raffle for prizes, including a guitar autographed by the Marshall Tucker Band and donated by Guitars For Charity. For more information, contact Barbara Whitehead at 321-8227 or or visit

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