Cocktails And Classic

Young Opera Singers Showcase Their Talent at The Cocktails and Classic Event Benefiting The Opera Singers Initiative

The Cocktails and Classic event is to be located at the Liederkranz in New York City. It’s a fantastic event in the ballroom of the location and includes performances by young opera singers from the Manhattan School of Music and Juliard School.
It’s an amazing night of new talent singing their best for a good cause.
The event is on January 29th at 8 pm. The money goes to the Opera Singers Initiative to help up and coming opera singers.
Cocktails are included in the $50 ticket.
Take a friend or loved one for a night of opera at the Cocktails and Classic event.
It is for a good cause and should prove to be an amazing fundraiser.
Who knows You may be listening to a future Pavarotti at the event.

Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
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