Protecting Children: Kids First Australia’s Charity Golf Day 2024

Empower Children: Join us in the fight against cruelty and neglect.

In our communities, a pressing concern is safeguarding children from cruelty and neglect. Unfortunately, too many youngsters endure harm, hindering their well-being. Addressing this issue promptly is crucial for building a safe environment where children can flourish. By advocating for child protection and fostering awareness, we contribute to creating a nurturing society that prioritizes the safety and welfare of our youngest members, paving the way for a future free from harm and filled with opportunities for every child to thrive.

In response to the critical need for child protection, organizations like Kids First Australia play a pivotal role in safeguarding young lives. This commendable charity is dedicated to providing crucial support and resources, ensuring children’s safety and well-being. By supporting Kids First Australia, individuals actively contribute to creating a protective environment, empowering the organization to advocate for policies and initiatives that shield children from cruelty and neglect.

Continuing their mission to protect children from cruelty and neglect, Kids First Australia is gearing up for a significant fundraising event. The highly anticipated “10th Annual Kieser Charity Golf Day 2024,” scheduled for later this year, promises an engaging day filled with philanthropy and support for the organization’s vital initiatives. Attendees can look forward to a memorable day on the golf course, knowing that their participation directly contributes to creating a safer and more secure environment for children in need.

10th Annual Kieser Charity Golf Day 2024

Dust off your wedge and get ready for the 10th Annual Kieser Charity Golf Day, supporting Kids First.

In 2023, we broke records raising $60,460. Now, on February 22, 2024, we’ll swing into action and make an even bigger impact in the lives of children and young people across Australia.

Snap up your ticket today. We’ll see you on the green! 🏌️‍♂️🌟

Protect children—register today, and be their shield against cruelty and neglect.

Charity Organization Name:
Kids First Australia
Event Location:
Latrobe Golf Club, 8 Farm Road, Alphington, VIC 3078
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: