Homeless For A Night

Community Sleep out to raise money to feed the homeless six nights a week in Perth

Can you imagine what it would be like to be homeless? Seriously, take a moment to think about it no comfy bed, no bedroom of your own, no bathroom, no kitchen, no regular meals, and no security.

Most of us have no idea what it is like to be homeless. Would you believe that in our society, in this day and age, over 100,000 people in Australia are homeless? Its a reality every night……… and the problem is growing.

Hot & Healthy Meals provided Six Nights a Week

Manna Inc is a volunteer operated charity that helps support West Australians in need. In the past 12 months we have served in excess of 81,000 meals to homeless and struggling people of Perth and……… the numbers are growing every day.


Manna Inc receives no government funding; all of our programs are funded by monetary donations or goods from a variety of businesses or individuals. These programs are supported almost exclusively by volunteers from all walks of life.

The demands for Manna services continue to grow and with it increased expenses; therefore we are always looking for new ways to raise the required funds. New for 2014 is……….


On Saturday the 3rdof May we are having our first community sleep out, Homeless for a Night This will be a night where the community can come together become more aware of Manna programs, what it is to be homeless and at the same time raise much needed funds so we can build this program to keep meeting the ever increasing demand.

Event Location:
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