Unfortunately, however, plans to have swimmers and runners set out from Ladestown at the same time, with a view to their joint arrival at
Belvedere House, had to be altered. Windy weather left Lough Ennell’s waters too choppy to allow the swim to proceed as planned. Instead, the runners set off as intended from Ladestown, and the swimmers were bussed to Belvedere, from where they did two laps out to and around a buoy set off shore. First of the runners home was local athlete Martin Lyons from Portloman, who, incidentally, was winner on the Bank Holiday Monday of the inaugural Midlands Mini-Marathon, run locally in aid of the Niall Mellon Trust Fund while the first swimmer in was Gavin Doran from Kildare. Post a comment For your convenience, you can now register with our website (which will save you from having to retype your name each time you post a comment). If you would like to do this (or have already!) then please Social Bookmarking Local Dáil deputy Willie Penrose has heard at first hand the concerns of Westmeath’s two Family Resource Centres, who are worried for their future, in the wake of the Bord Snip Nua report.