Along with monetary donations, Zink also asks individuals to donate what they can for an upcoming yard sale that will benefit the AIDS Walk.
Planned for sometime in September, Zink asks for all prospective donors to contact him as soon as possible. Diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in his early 20s, he says the devastating condition has often clouded his life with difficulties. But always the one to treasure the joys in life, Zink says the disease has not been able to keep him down. Instead, using his talents and energy, he has strived to make a difference for Delawareans who have been similarly affected, raising funds for his favorite charity. Entering the 22nd Annual AIDS Walk Delaware last year, Zink was able to raise more than $900 in less than three weeks. With the help of his partner Craig Harper, he hopes to raise $5,000 for the cause this year, before the 23rd Annual AIDS Walk Delaware begins Sunday, Oct. 4.
I joined in the AIDS Walk last year for the first time and found that it was a really rewarding experience, said Zink.