Adaptive Athletics Night: A Celebration of Resilience and Strength

Experience the inspiring stories of adaptive athletes Grayson Fox and Jason Keatseangsilp at Adaptive Athletics Night 2025. Support Craig Foundation’s mission to change lives through sports and rehabilitation.

Witness the power of determination at Adaptive Athletics Night, an inspiring event featuring wheelchair tennis players and Craig Hospital graduates Grayson Fox and Jason Keatseangsilp. More than just an exhibition match, this evening is a testament to the human spirit—showcasing how adaptive sports can transform lives.

Enjoy a night of connection, from engaging stories to fundraising opportunities that directly support Craig patients, programs, and groundbreaking research.

👉 Secure your spot today!

Join us for an inspiring evening featuring adaptive athletics with wheelchair tennis players and Craig grads Grayson Fox and Jason Keatseangsilp. This event will feature an exhibition match, hors d’oeuvres, festive drinks, and a buffet dinner at a beautiful private residence in Littleton. Attendees will enjoy an inspiring program featuring Grayson, Jason and Craig leadership as well as impactful fundraising opportunities.

Charity Organization Name:
Craig Hospital
Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: