Nagambie Notes 2009: Personal Pars

Nagambie Notes

PERSONAL PARS Birthday wishes for Nagambie and Avenel folk go this week to Julie Trotter, May Gammon, Tanya Sullivan, Pam Shepherd, Celina Hill, twins
Darryl and Anita Lynch, Brad Friedrich, Kevin Le Cerf, Joshua Ranger, Olivia Canobie, Denis MacGregor, Lucy White, Allyssa Constable, Gwen Duncalf, Alison Green, Tainie Northausen, Marnie Mapperson, Martin Coll, Sarah Sidebottom, and Kylie Hogan. Congratulations goes to Denise and Sam Verrocchi on the birth of Emma Margaret. Congratulations to Grandpa Max Perry also. Anniversary wishes to Lisa and Steven Miller. Cheerios to those recovering from surgery, or those who have been or are in Hospital Nursing homes or Hostels. Cheerios go to Pat Prescott, Peg Hollaway, Pat Bevan, Sherelle Koleman, Dorothy McLeod, Robin Steers, Val Duncan, Margaret Donaghy, Eunice LeCerf, Gwen Duncalf, Melanie Buchanan, Charlie and June Newton. ANGLING CLUB: Social and fishing calendar details. Wally Cubbin. 5794 2744. ART & ENTERTAINMENT
5 September: Seymour Rock and Roll Club welcomes

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