MIRAMICHI – The Miramichi Quilters Guild will be hosting its annual quilting show at the Miramichi Eco Centre on Friday and Saturday.
This will mark the 10 year anniversary of the guild and it marks the fourth quilting show they have hosted. They have already received over 100 applications for the event which include a craft table, a section for baby clothing. People from as far away as Vancouver, Ontario and other regions in the Maritimes are expected to attend. “We are encouraging people to come out and visit the Miramichi,” quilter Barbara Elias said. A boat trip is scheduled for 3 p.m. on Saturday at Ritchies Wharf and a fish and chip supper will be served at the Opry in Red Bank at 7 p.m. Dessert and a show will also be included. The quilters guild also makes quilts for charity and have donated over 60 quilts to cancer patients, seniors and children who going through cancer treatments. “It’s important people know that we’re giving back to them and support local charities,” said Miramichi Quilters Guild president Betty Doyle.
The quilts were made mostly by hand and the use of a sewing machine and include original designs by some of the quilters.