Liberty Idol Revs Up As Fourth Season Kicks Off 2009: Ldquoit Electric

Liberty Idol revs up as fourth season kicks off

“It is electric,” said Nick Giles, a Simpsonville resident and Liberty Idol contestant.
“That’s the only way I know how to describe it.” Liberty Idol, a karaoke and reality show-type contest, transforms downtown Liberty into a performance hall of sorts each Saturday night for 13 weeks. The free event is from 7-10 p.m. “I have people that tell me every week, ‘I can’t wait until this Saturday,’” said Roy Costner, Liberty Idol organizer. Liberty Idol started April 25 and the finale is expected July 18, he said. Giles, 46, who also participated in Liberty Idol last year, said the event is family-friendly and is a great entertainment outlet for the area. “It feels like you’re kind of at a family reunion,” he said. “It just brings a lot of people that would have never gone to Liberty or hadn’t even heard of it, brings them down there to see the town.” And the extra space is needed.
Costner said the crowd has been about 1,500 people each week, which he said is high for the first few weeks.

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