Do Research To Stand Out At Job Interview 2009: Posted 46

Do research to stand out at job interview

Posted: 46 minutes ago “That is not enough.
That’s a great starting point, but you have to know things about the culture and the nature of the company. How they relate in the community How they relate in the world, and then know within their industry, are they on the leading edge or are they falling off the page,” said Becky Sansbury, with the Avadon Group. Sansbury works with people in career transition. She said after scouring a company’s Web site, Google the names of key people, especially those you will interview with. Sansbury used 5 on Your Side’s Monica Laliberte as an example, and found out a lot of information about her. “You have built your reputation on making sure that people get a fair deal. That’s how people know 5 on Your Side,” Sansbury said. She also found out Laliberte took part in a “Dancing like the Stars” for charity event.
“What that could tell me is, this person is willing to put him or herself out there in the community for a good cause,” Sansbury said.

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