Flashback Raises Funds For SES 2009: 27th 2009

Flashback raises funds for SES

27th May 2009 AN EIGHTIES themed charity dinner at The Ipswich Club raised more than $5000 for the SES Ipswich City Unit last week.
Project management students from The Bremer Institute of TAFE organised the evening as part of their assessment. The institute’s project management teacher Kelly Black said students managed the arrangements for the entire event. “The students decided to support the SES Ipswich City Unit after Black Saturday and recent floods in Queensland reminded them of the importance of emergency services to local communities,†Ms Black said. “It was wonderful to see how effectively the students worked together to organise the event and they are all thrilled with the amount raised for the SES.†Money raised through ticket sales, auctions and raffles has been donated to the local SES unit to fund training materials and equipment.
A range of products and services were donated by various local businesses and auctioned or raffled off.

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