A week after Dane County collected about 500 tons of electronics &mdash one of the largest electronic recycling events in the country &mdash another
computer and TV recycling event will be held Saturday at Memorial High School. But organizers of Saturday’s event haven’t arranged for police to direct traffic and hope last weekend’s massive collection took the brunt of the area’s television and computer recycling need. “We (are) kind of expecting a couple hundred (items),” said Teri Parris Ford, an art teacher at Memorial and student government adviser. “We have one semitrailer coming and a fork lift.” “I’m borrowing 20 orange cones from the gym department to help with traffic,” she said. Businesses and residents also can have their computer hard drives erased for $10. The school receives 80 percent of the funds raised and 20 percent go to an environmental charity of the school’s choice. Parris Ford said she originally planned on about 40 student volunteers, but now expects only a dozen because of other events happening Saturday. “I’m going to be short-handed,” she said. “Anybody who wants to stay and help is welcome.”
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