SNJ Celebrates Local Newspaper Week 2009: 100pm Wednesday

SNJ celebrates local newspaper week

1:00pm Wednesday 13th May 2009 LOCAL newspapers play a vital role in the community and this week to celebrate Local Newspaper Week (May 11
to17), the Stroud News & Journal has highlighted some of the ways in which your favourite weekly has contributed to life in the Five Valleys. The theme this year is building stronger communities and the SNJ is committed to supporting this. Lately we have been championing the Shop Local campaign. These are tough times for local businesses and that’s why the SNJ didn’t hesitate to get behind our local shops. Since April 1 we have been trying to help boost our local economy and encourage a greener attitude among customers and traders. Each week we have been focusing on locally owned shops which have been flourishing, such as Moonflower, Mills Cafe and Kitchen Shop, and Sunshine Health Shop. The campaign, which is supported by businesses and councils, aims to raise awareness of the role local shops play in retaining vibrant town centres and a sense of community in our villages.
At the end of 2008 when Stroud Goodwill was under threat because of lack of funds the Stroud News & Journal played a key part in making sure this popular annual event went ahead.

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