Shoreline employees gear up for charity football match Shoreline’s football-mad employees are lining up for a prestigious charity football match on the hallowed turf
of Blundell Park next week, in aid of local charities Bottoms Up and Friendship at Home. The enthusiastic Shoreline employees will take on a team from BT Local Business (South Yorkshire and Humber) in a first-of-its kind charity evening match ever to be held at the home of Grimsby Town FC. And, in preparation for the big game, the team will be put through their paces in a special training session by ex-Grimsby Town legends and UEFA B coaches Gary Childs and John McDermott – fresh from being honoured with the PFA Special Merit Award. Shoreline player manager Steve Neul said: “This event has really captured the imagination of our employees. The team is looking forward to running out on to the pitch, everyone is looking forward to a fun and relaxing night and more importantly we want to raise as much money as possible for these two fantastic causes which make a real difference to the lives of local people.” Tickets and match programmes have been snapped up by Shoreline employees, partner organisations, family and friends. A sports auction, disco and entertainment will complete the night with the aim of raising hundreds of pounds for the two local charities.
Both charities were chosen by employees as the Shoreline chair’s charities of the year.