Get involved STAFF at luxury Birmingham hotel Malmaison have urged keen footballers to limber up for a charity tournament.
The hotel, based in the Mailbox, has teamed up with the Birmingham Mail Charity Trust to host a corporate five-a-side tournament. The event, which is expected to see dozens of businesses across Birmingham battle it out on the football pitch, will be held at the Goals centre in Star City on July 5. Stephen Woodhouse, regional general manager of Malmaison, said: “We wanted to encourage a bit of healthy competition while at the same time raising money for good causes across the city. Malmaison would like to challenge any business within Birmingham to a game of football and help make the event a real fund-raising success.” Team squads should consist of up to eight players, which can be mixed male and female. Presentations will take place at the end of the tournament with trophies handed out to each member of the top three teams and a large trophy to the winners for one year.
Awards will also be given out for player of the day, best-dressed team and penalty shoot-out winner.