A gold rush Old, broken jewelry Scrap it into fast cash Old, broken jewelry Scrap it into fast cash 11Rosenthal has recently seen success
hosting “gold parties,” the latest fad in at-home entertainment. It is what Silpada or Tupperware once was for selling jewelry and housewares, only at Rosenthal’s parties, there is no need to spend a dime. She started her business, Party of Gold, out of her home in Georgetown, and what began with one party a month has turned into more than 200 monthly parties across New England. “Recently, it has just exploded,” Rosenthal said at one of her gold parties last week. “The best part of the parties is the stories which go with the jewelry.” Manager Jane Yandell invited Rosenthal to the Newburyport bank branch after going to a similar party at a friend’s home. “I had a little gold ring, 18-karat gold,” Yandell said. “I got $300 for it. I’m going on a little vacation, so that money will go toward that.” The chance to benefit a charity close to her heart was the real reason Yandell held the fundraiser, though.
“It is such fun how it works,” Yandell said. “Fifteen percent of proceeds from the party are donated to the charity. This is fun it’s not super serious.”