Love In The Vines

Love In The Vines Tirohana Estate 42 Puruatanga Rd Martinborough

Valentine’s Day 2009.
All you need is love (and tickets as well) . .
Mark your diary for a spectacular celebration on Valentine’s Day 2009 featuring Tre-Belle, the Haydn String Quartet and harpists, who will be appearing live on stage at Tirohana Estate, plus a star-studded celebrity auction (and lots of exciting items and goodies available) with all proceeds from the auction going to the Cloud 9 Children’s Foundation (a registered charity committed to assisting those touched by Asperger’s Syndrome, out of the autistic spectrum).
The day will interweave classic love songs since time began with a particular emphasis on the West End and Broadway evergreens through the ages.
The day is shaping up to be truly one to remember in the summer season with 5 star lunch and cuisine prepared by international chefs, award-winning wines, stars from the television and sporting world, first class entertainment (yes, a single red rose or gift for each lady), and harpists providing crescendo Heavenly welcomes. And all set against the spectacular backdrop of the photogenic Tirohana vines.

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