It may seem a bit old hat but right now there is no better topic than the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. This weekend being Mother’s Day.
The Campaign is about real women everywhere, world-wide who may not look like Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Hawkins, but inside they are in their own special way, beautiful unique creatures that should be celebrated for the people that they are.
The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, as most people have seen already, is out to change the worldly image of beauty to a more attainable and responsible one, instilling self confidence in women and encouraging them to accept who they are, and not focus on who they are not.
The Campaign has helped create organizations like the Self-Esteem Fund and Uniquely Me! – a partnership with Dove, the Unilever Foundation, and the Girl Scouts of the USA.
Right now, to support these organizations you can bid on some hot tees designed by celebs like, Felicity Huffman and Queen Latifah.
But whatever you do, remember that this Sunday is Mother’s Day, a celebration of real women, who mean more to us than some half-starved-minx in a magazine. So read up on the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and make your mum feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.