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Mark your calendars for the most pawsome wedding of the year! read more
Empower change: Join Point Source Youth in ending youth homelessness! read more
Lighting the Path to a World Without Alzheimer's read more

Rally Against Parkinson’s

🇺🇸 Baltimore, MD
Bring hope to people living with Parkinson's. read more

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About Us

Charities, Get Your Word Out With JollyPeople is a Non Profit serving the global community by providing free Event posts to registered Charities. Founded in July 2007 Jollypeople has a proven global presence with a consistently growing readership. Our byword is “Real people, real life, real connections”.

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Announce your charity to the world. We offer charities free listings to help you build interest and fill seats.

Virtual and Physical

Meeting the needs of today’s world, JollyPeople now lists virtual events as well as the traditional in-person model. Your global audience awaits.