2023 Soiree for Seagrass

Soiree for Seagrass: Preserving Nature’s Underwater Gardens.

The conservation of manatees and their main source of food, seagrass, is of utmost importance in preserving the delicate balance of aquatic ecosystems. Manatees, gentle marine mammals, rely heavily on seagrass beds for sustenance, seeking refuge and nourishment in these underwater meadows. Seagrass, in turn, plays a vital ecological role by providing a habitat for numerous marine species, stabilizing coastlines, and improving water quality. However, both manatees and seagrass face various threats, including habitat loss, pollution, boat strikes, and climate change. Protecting these majestic creatures and their seagrass habitats is essential to safeguarding biodiversity, maintaining healthy ecosystems, and ensuring the long-term survival of these remarkable species.

One organization dedicated to the protection and conservation of manatees and their habitats is Friends of Manatee Lagoon. Committed to raising awareness, conducting research, and advocating for the preservation of these gentle giants and their seagrass ecosystems, they play a crucial role in promoting sustainable practices and fostering community engagement.

Get ready to immerse yourself in an extraordinary evening as Friends of Manatee Lagoon presents their upcoming fundraising event, Soiree for Seagrass. This captivating event combines elegance, entertainment, and environmental awareness, inviting supporters to come together and contribute towards the conservation of seagrass habitats and the protection of manatees through an unforgettable evening of philanthropy.

Soiree for Seagrass Friday, November 10, 2023

Friends of Manatee Lagoon is excited to announce the date for the 2023 Soiree for Seagrass. Join us on the beautiful waterfront at Manatee Lagoon for an evening of “seagrass” spritzers, specialty foods, live music, and a silent auction. This fundraising event is being hosted to raise awareness about the loss of seagrass, manatees’ primary food source. We encourage you to support our mission to fund inspiring exhibits, educational programs, and marine conservation efforts that inform the community about the challenges manatees encounter in Florida. Manatees need our help and together we can work towards cleaner water, safe boating practices, and becoming active stewards of our environment.

Join the Soiree for Seagrass and make a difference in protecting manatees and their vital seagrass habitats. Register now!

Charity Organization Name:
Friends of Manatee Lagoon
Event Location:
6000 N Flagler Dr, West Palm Beach, FL 33407, United States
United States
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: