A Nunevent To Benefit Sisters Organizers Ask Community To Help 2009: Standardexaminer Staff

A Nunevent to benefit sisters Organizers ask community to help

Standard-Examiner staff SOUTH OGDEN — A play on words has turned an annual St.
Benedict’s Foundation non-event into a Nun-event. That’s how it’s described in a postcard that’s being mailed out to the foundation’s regular donors. “We’re hoping it will make people laugh and they’ll say, ‘Oh yeah. I’ll send you some money,'” said Yvonne Coiner, executive director of the foundation. This year’s third annual summer “Fun-Raiser” for St. Benedict’s Foundation, the charity extension of the Sisters of St. Benedict, is a Sisters Ball. “This is a Sisters Ball and you don’t have to come,” Coiner said. Promotions told potential donors that this was an event they could attend in their gardens or in their slippers.
Coiner said the idea of the Fun-Raiser is that people don’t have to go to one more dinner or one more event.

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