TOP Perth retailer McEwens has thrown its weight behind a spectacular charity event to be held at the city’s Concert Hall tomorrow.
The event is set to raise thousands of pounds for the CLIC Sargent children’s cancer charity. Two events held in 2007 and 2008 raised a total of £17,000 for the charity, which supports young people with cancer and leukaemia. Show organiser Jade Beatson (19), from Perth, said the support of McEwens’ Managing Director John Bullough, who met with Jade and models from the show, was a huge boost to the show. She said: “The response we have had from Perth’s business community has been phenomenal &ndash and this is just the latest example. “It is shaping up to be a great event, and it is for a terrific cause, so we hope the Perth public really get behind us tomorrow and come along to watch. Perth stores such as Phase Eight, Austin Reed, Debenhams, Romera and Boutique are supplying outfits for the cast.
The ever-popular Impulse will be back with their high-energy rhythmic set, while the Mandy Malloch Dancers plus dancers from the Julie Young Centre for Performing Arts will appear at the event.lPicture special in Tuesday’s PA.