News Contributor / 2009-08-30 10:57:45 Right in the middle of all the bad news we hear on a daily basis there is one feel
good factor story that beats them all in La Zenia. Little Alan is back, looking better than ever and even with a few extra pounds he didnt have when we saw him last. For those of you who do not know the story, it was reported in this newspaper just under a year ago, that our good friend Alan Condron was hit with a serious illness. Alan left La Zenia in Feb 2008 having spent 6 years here and headed to New York, to broaden his horizons on a year away from it all. He made friends in the American bars, on the poker tables and by all accounts with the American ladies. (stories yet to be proven!) Out of the blue, one day, Cancer struck.
His mother Marian like all of us, was stunned and we all wondered where this would lead Al. The goodwill he received from his peers over there helped keep him in good spirits. There were practical issues too. Money needed to be raised. Poker nights were arranged, benefit nights hastily put together and New York got behind their newest son.