Amazing Morah Shows Gerry What Hes Missing 2009: Radiant Morah

Amazing Morah shows Gerry what hes missing

RADIANT: Morah Ryan has reinvented her image after the split Ivana Trump once said that looking good is the best revenge.
So is a good divorce settlement. But one lady who has taken the message to heart is the gorgeous Morah Ryan, ex of Gerry, who has had a complete makeover since the painful split last year. Doubts Morah appeared at a public event looking not only fabulous but about the same age as her eldest daughter Bonnie (23). Ivana would be proud. Morah did everything right for her debut as a single woman (which we have serious doubts will remain the situation for long).
She turned up at (a) a celebrity charity event with (b) great hair, (c) seriously high heels and (d) a stunning designer guna.

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