Annual Gala 2023

Unite, Ignite, Fight: Together, We Conquer Cancer’s Night.

Cancer, a formidable adversary in the realm of human health, manifests as a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled division and growth of abnormal cells. It is a relentless force that knows no discrimination, affecting individuals across the globe, irrespective of age, gender, or background. This insidious condition, often rooted in genetic mutations or external factors, presents a formidable challenge to medical science and the indomitable human spirit. Despite the ceaseless efforts of researchers and healthcare professionals, the battle against cancer remains ongoing, compelling society to unite in a relentless pursuit of prevention, treatment, and a future free from its grip.

In the face of this formidable adversary, organizations like the Lakeridge Health Foundation have emerged as beacons of hope. With a steadfast commitment to advancing cancer research, providing essential care, and supporting those touched by this affliction, they stand as a pillar of strength in the ongoing struggle. Their mission is to transform the narrative of cancer from one of despair to one of resilience, and in doing so, they beckon individuals from all walks of life to join their cause.

As the battle against cancer wages on, the Lakeridge Health Foundation prepares to host its most significant event of the year, the 2023 Annual Gala. This gathering serves as a poignant reminder of the unwavering commitment to improving the lives of those affected by cancer. With each ticket sold and each donation made, attendees not only contribute to vital research and support programs but also become integral parts of a community determined to write a brighter chapter in the story of cancer.

Annual Gala 2023
The Lakeridge Health Foundation annual Gala is a stunning celebration of health care excellence close to home, bringing together professionals and leaders from our community. The 2023 Gala will once again support cancer care at Lakeridge Health.

Please contact Helen Knelsen to reserve your sponsorship or tickets.

Join us, make a difference against cancer.

Charity Organization Name:
Lakeridge Health Foundation
Event Location:
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: