Apollo Grill To Raise Funds For Bethlehem Area Public Library 2009: Bull Bethlehem

Apollo Grill to raise funds for Bethlehem Area Public Library

• BETHLEHEM Bethlehem Area Public Library is partnering with Apollo Grill to raise money for library improvements.
Apollo Grill will host a weeklong charity event to celebrate its 10th anniversary with all proceeds going to the library’s Room to Grow project. The project includes a new children’s room, teen room, teen cafe and renovations to the library’s South Side branch. Apollo Grill will host charity nights at the restaurant Tuesday through Sunday. During charity nights, area businesses’ employees will host clients while serving as guest bartenders and guest servers. On Thursday, a worker from Philadelphia Trust will serve as sous chef to owner Rod Holt. On Friday, an employee from Bethlehem Apparatus will shadow owner Dyanne Holt as front house manager assistant. On Saturday, a worker from Just Born will serve as a guest head chef and guest front house manager with both Holts. The community is invited to the Apollo Grill Celebration Party 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the restaurant, 85 W. Broad St. Tickets can be purchased by calling Dyanne Holt at the Apollo at 610-865-9600. Cost is $90 per person. Attendees will enjoy food, an open bar and music from On Fire.

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