Area Briefs 2009: Fairfield County

Area Briefs

Fairfield County Fame induction June 10 The Fairfield County Sports Commission and Stamford UConn will host third annual UConn Hall of Fame induction ceremony
on Wednesday June 10 from 6-to-8:30 p.m. at the UConn Stamford campus. Among the inductees are Rashamel Jones from UConn’s 1999 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship team, Tom Penders, the only player to captain both the UConn baseball and men’s basketball teams, Norwalk’s Rita Williams, a former UConn women’s basketball standout and Trumbull’s Joe Markus, a UConn football offensive standout. Current UConn football coach Randy Edsall as well as ex-UConn football star Nick Giaquinto and Maria Conlon of Derby, who was part of three UConn women’s basketball NCAA championship squads and Brian Usher will also be in attendance. The reception, with the proceeds benefiting UConn Stamford scholarship funds, costs $25 for the general Softball umpires to hold golf outing June 15 The Stamford Softball Umpires Association is holding a golf outing on Mon. June 15 at E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course. It is a shotgun scramble with low gross score prize along with closest to the pin on No. 9. Check-in and lunch is at noon with a 1 p.m. tee off. The whole package is $140. Just dinner at Pellicci’s is $60. For more info, call Robert Hornbuckle (203-613-4972), Jim Moavero (203-323-1446 or Larry Miller (203-324-7452.
N.Y. Giants to hold 3 youth camps in Fairfield County

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