Area Residents Regional Artists Flock To Fairgrounds 2009: By Joe

Area residents regional artists flock to fairgrounds

BY JOE GIESSLER • Staff Writer • August 16, 2009 LANCASTER — More than 60 artists from across the region descended on Lancaster in
hopes of selling some of their works to area residents. The fourth annual Art on Fair took place from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. Spirit Williams, of Logan, was selling wood sculptures, but was not concerned about making money on Saturday. Williams has been carving for about 38 years and owns her own business, which is called ‘Sculpture by Spirit.’ She said she hoped to meet someone that might be interested in commissioning her for a project, such as carving a wooden door. Art on Fair Chairperson Doris Marcus said artists came from as far as Michigan and West Virginia to showcase their work. There was a wide variety of art including jewelry, woodworks and paintings.
“The fact that we can bring art awareness to Lancaster is great,” she said. “Having it at the Fairgrounds makes it relaxing and a great family event. You can’t find a better place to have it.”

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