Bacon Hikes For Charity 2009: Bringing Charity

Bacon hikes for charity

Bringing home the charity bacon….
actor Kevin Bacon. Actor Kevin Bacon hiked the 4,300-metre Pikes Peak to play a concert at the top as part of an event to raise money for a cancer charity. Bacon and his brother, Michael, climbed Pikes Peak with about 95 people as part of a fund raiser for the Love Hope Strength Foundation cancer charity. The hikers made the event a tribute to Farrah Fawcett, who died on Friday after battling anal cancer. At the mountaintop, their band, The Bacon Brothers, performed three songs. The brothers also played a concert in Denver to raise money for the foundation, which has held fundraising concerts at Machu Picchu in Peru and Mount Everest. AP
Hong Kong police have charged a 22-year-old Australian man with murder following a fatal traffic accident in which a taxi driver was killed.

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