We are in the so-called dog days of summer, or should I say so-called summer after the weather we’ve had since Thursday.
Apparently things are supposed to get a bit better today, which is good because there are a couple of important events happening today for you to get invovled in — all for good causes. First up is the annual Crohns and Colitis fundraiser at Melrose Cafe on Uptown 17 Ave. My good friend Wayne Leong at Melrose has put this on for three years and has raised more than $10,000 so far, so he’s shooting for a bunch more today. Here’s the deal: For a mere five bucks you get yourself a nice plate of barbecued back ribs and an icy cold Rickards Red, served by some of the Stampeders. There are also some great silent auction packages from the Stamps and Flames. And Harvey the Hound will be on hand, er, paw to collect bones — and cash. Wayne says it’s a kids- friendly event, with arcade-style games and, of course, Guitar Hero.
The whole thing goes from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. today. Bring the family and bring some cash!