BMO Walk so Kids Can Talk

Walk for youth mental health support.

Every year, millions of young people around the world are silently battling mental health challenges that threaten to derail their lives. Anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses are pervasive among youth, with some struggling to cope with academic pressure, social isolation, or family conflicts. The consequences can be devastating, affecting not only their academic performance but also their personal relationships and long-term prospects. In the face of such daunting challenges, it’s crucial that we raise awareness about youth mental health and provide the support and resources needed to help them thrive. The clock is ticking, and we cannot afford to ignore this silent epidemic any longer.

One organization that is leading the charge in addressing youth mental health is Kids Help Phone. Through its innovative programs and services, Kids Help Phone is empowering young people to overcome their challenges and build resilience. And what better way to support Kids Help Phone’s vital work than by participating in its flagship event, the BMO Walk so Kids Can Talk? This annual fundraiser brings together thousands of Canadians who walk in solidarity to raise funds and awareness for youth mental health.

On Sunday, May 7, 2023, Kids Help Phone invites you to join BMO Walk so Kids Can Talk in support of youth mental health and well-being across Canada! Register now.

Kids Help Phone has supported youth more than 13M times since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic — this number increases every day. And the issues young people connect with us about are more complex than ever and compounding over time.

Our free, confidential, e-mental health services are always open, offering youth across Canada a non-judgmental space to Feel Out Loud and get support in English and French. Because if we aren’t always there for each young person in need, who will be?

We have an ambition to transform access to more equitable resources through the power of technology, data and innovation. With our Canada-wide community of supporters, we’re striving for radical change in our mental health landscape from coast to coast to coast.

To help give young people’s feelings a place to go, you can register, fundraise, donate and more at

Join us for the BMO Walk so Kids Can Talk and make a difference today! Register here.

Charity Organization Name:
Kids Help Phone
Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: