Castlepollard Notes 2009: Members Public

Castlepollard Notes

Members of the public could then call confident of finding the station open and a Garda present.
Plans to run a series of cooking classes next Winter are advancing. Discussion took place on organising a series of talks on a wide range of topics of public interest. Suggestions for topics included dealing with stress, managing finances, unemployment issues, entitlements, health issues. Members of the public are asked to inform Jimmy Halligan, Chairman of the Community Council, or any Committee member of any subject that they would like a presentation on from an expert in that particular topic. Kilafree Work on the Church and Cemetery continues every Monday and Wednesday evening at 7.00pm. Due to the inclement weather, progress is behind schedule and the committee have issued and appeal for volunteers for one or two nights to get the project back on track. Contact Ronnie Ball or David Lawlor for further information. CU On The Square Day Lough Gaels Camogie Club has organised a fundraising walk/run that will take place next Sunday, May 17th, in Mullaghmeen Forest, Castlepollard. This forthcoming walk/run is a great day out for all the family.
Baptism preparation course

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