Charity Fundraiser On Saturday 2009: Fun Raise

Charity fundraiser on Saturday

A FUN day to raise money for the National Autistic Society Scotland is being held at the Vine Church, Dunfermline, from noon-4pm on Saturday.
There will be children’s entertainment, face painting, a DJ, games and a variety of stalls. There are also prizes to be won such as seven nights’ accommodation in Spain, an hour’s flight for two in a plane from Fife Airport and a weekend for six in Berwick. The event is being organised by local mums Gillian Naysmith and Maureen Barrie, who have autistic children. Post a comment For your convenience, you can now register with our website (which will save you from having to retype your name each time you post a comment). If you would like to do this (or have already!) then please Social Bookmarking
PREPARATIONS under way for Dunfermline’s answer to Oktoberfest…

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