Charity Sale Set At Belk Stores 2009: Newspresscom Staff

Charity sale set at Belk stores staff • April 30, 2009 Belk’s Charity Sale on Saturday will again benefit local charities, schools and nonprofit organizations throughout the company’s 16-state
market area. Belk stores are located at Gulf Coast Town Center in San Carlos Park and the Shops at Surfside, 2342 Surfside Blvd., Cape Coral. In return for a $5 donation, customers receive a ticket admitting them to the Charity Sale from 6 to 10 a.m. and entitling them to merchandise discounts ranging from 20 percent to 50 percent on purchases throughout the store (excluding cosmetics and fragrances). Customers also receive $5 off their first purchase of $5 or more at the event, and Belk cardholders will receive double points for card purchases. Participating local charities will sell the Charity Sale tickets in advance of the event and the proceeds from each $5 ticket will be retained by the charity. Tickets may also be purchased at Belk stores with all donations divided among the participating charities and schools. In addition, participating customers can register to win one of three $1,000 Belk shopping sprees, and all participating charities and schools will automatically be registered to win a $1,000 donation (a total of three will be awarded).
Belk Inc. is based in Charlotte, N.C., and is the largest privately owned department store company in the United States, with more than 300 stores in 16 Southern states. The company was founded in 1888 by William Henry Belk in Monroe, N.C..

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