EVENTS The Terrebonne Orchid Society, a nonprofit organization including members from Terrebonne, Lafourche and nearby parishes, will hold its annual Spring Orchid Show from
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and Saturday and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday at Southland Mall, 5953 W. Park Ave., Houma. Admission is free and open to the public. This year’s show is titled “Orchids in the Jungle.” The show includes blooming plants and potting materials for sale by vendors from several states, orchid growers on hand to answer questions about growing orchids and membership forms for anyone interested in joining the Terrebonne Orchid Society or the American Orchid Society. For information, call Ashley Matherne at 594-4050. Tickets go on sale today for South Louisiana Center for the Arts’ production of the musical “Annie Jr.” For tickets or information, call 876-2222 or visit . The annual Bonne Terre Garden Fair, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Southdown Plantation House, 1208 Museum Drive, Houma. Gates open at 8:30 a.m. The fair, put on by the Terrebonne Master Gardeners and LSU Ag Center, offers educational seminars and demonstrations by gardening experts sales of plants, supplies and merchandise a plant disease clinic soil test station children’s activities a garden-themed art show museum tours and food. Admission is $3 each, and free for children under 12. For information, call Patricia Whipple at 446-1316 or Barton Joffrion at 873-6495. A Hispanic Fiesta Day to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is set for 2 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the East Houma Branch Library, 778 Grand Caillou Road. The event includes food, music, crafts, door prizes, dance performances and a piñata. Game Day with Guitar Hero for teens, 3-5 p.m. Saturday at the Terrebonne Parish Main Library, 151 Library Drive, Houma. The Terrebonne High School Sound of Pride Band Boosters are holding an $11,000 giveaway from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday at the East Park Recreation Center, 8533 Park Ave., Houma. Tickets are $100 each. That cost can be split among friends or coworkers, so more than one person can attend with one ticket. Attendees must be age 21 and up. The event includes a meal featuring a steak, baked potato, salad, dessert and drinks. as well as a band, door prizes and auctions. To buy a ticket, call the Terrebonne High School Band Room at 872-0911.
A “We are a Christian Nation Rally” is scheduled for 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday in Courthouse Square in downtown Houma. The event is the result of a grassroots movement by local high-school students and young adults.