Chemmy Alcott Set For Uphill Task In Etape Caledonia Cycle Challenge 2009: Accessibility Links

Chemmy Alcott set for uphill task in Etape Caledonia cycle challenge

Accessibility links The team, made up of 12 Vancouver Winter Olympic 2010 hopefuls including Alcott, Finlay Mickel, Noel Baxter and Dougie Crawford, will take
part in the 81-mile challenge on 17 May in a bid to raise &pound5,000 for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity. Finlay Mickel, preparing for the event for a second year in succession, said: “Training so far has been ok. My 96kg downhill weight isn’t the best for riding uphill but I’m looking forward to smashing past people on the downhill sections. “I can’t wait to race this year when I’m 100 per cent fit. Last year I was recovering from a broken ankle and raced with my air cast on which made things interesting – everyone thought I was crazy but I got there in the end.” “Macmillan Cancer Support is a great cause and one I’m delighted we are supporting. My Mum and Dad have both had cancer thankfully they were both able to get through it. The more we can do to raise funds and awareness the better it is for everyone.” Recently retired international skier Alain Baxter will join his former teammates at the event in Scotland. The ‘Highlander’, as he is affectionately known, will take part alongside his brother Noel who described the event as the perfect gateway to get their summer-time underway.
“I’m very excited to be taking part in the race this year as I had to miss out last year due to injury. It can be quite hard to motivate yourself after a long season on the road so the race is perfect to give us that extra motivation to kick start our summer training.

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