The most popular city workers in Columbia, South Carolina are firefighters.
Whether participating in a local charity event, fighting a house fire or pulling someone off the river during a water release firefighters have clearly distinguished themselves as the state’s best fire department. Yet, in an unusual case of trying to fix a self inflicted budget wound on the backs of employees, city council appears poised to request an across the board pay cut from city workers. This after the closure of two engine companies, one in Shandon, the other on Atlas Road, furlough days, and increases in insurance costs. Suppression forces are now spread thin in the city and more appears to be coming unless council suddenly decides it is unwise to strip citizens of any more protection. While people hope they also prepare because this will not be a silent walk into the night. Columbia firefighters have worked hard to achieve the success once coveted and will work hard to maintain it. There’s more to this story than meets the eye. We will be back. This is only a preview. Your comment has not yet been posted. The letters and numbers you entered did not match the image. Please try again.
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