Dates For Your Diary With Cowes RNLI 2009: Thanks Generosity

Dates for your diary with Cowes RNLI

Thanks to the generosity of Cowes lifeboat supporters last year, over twenty thousand pounds was raised making 2008 a very successful year of fundraising,
and for this year, many more exciting events have been planned. Cowes RNLI lifeboat crew Come and visit your local Lifeboat Station at Shepards Wharf on Bank Holiday Monday, 25 May, when Cowes RNLI will be holding their annual Open Day. Last year Cowes RNLI Guild supported the Bembridge Lifeboat Station Appeal with two events, ‘Jazz on the Quay’, and the ‘Spendour and Sparkle Evening’ at Osborne House. This year the Cowes RNLI Guild is holding a joint event with the IOW Lifeboat Board, an ‘Exhibition of Beken Photographs’ on 17-18 July at the Haven Fastnet in Cowes. The exhibition will be free and there will be a preview party on the evening of 17 July. For further details please contact either Diana Chilcott on telephone 281759 or Sally Pengelly, Chairman of the Cowes RNLI Guild, on 281583. The RNLI and Cowes Lifeboat Station have been chosen as the official charity for Cowes Week 2009, and will be making the most of this busy sailing event to highlight the life-saving work of the RNLI and seek support from the many visitors and sailing enthusiasts in the town. The first Saturday of Cowes Week, 1 August, is the RNLI Flag Day. Cowes RNLI Guild are in need of help with collecting in Cowes on that day, and throughout the rest of Cowes Week. If you can help at all, even if only for an hour or two, please contact Anna on telephone 282880 or Sally Pengelly on 281583. If you would like further details on any of the forthcoming events, or are interested in helping to fundraise for the RNLI in Cowes, please contact the Chairman, Sally Pengelly on the number shown above.
Cowes RNLI Events 2009: Wednesday, 13 May – Ritz-style tea, Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Cowes Monday, 25 May – Cowes RNLI Lifeboat Station Open Day Tuesday, 26 June – Salmon and strawberry lunch, Gurnard Sailing Club, Gurnard Friday and Saturday, 17-18 July – Exhibition of Beken photos (in aid of Bembridge Appeal), Cowes Saturday, 1 August – Flag Day, Cowes Sunday, 2 August – Seafarers service, at 1100, Holy Trinity Church, Cowes Saturday, 1 to Saturday, 8 August – Cowes Week Monday, 31 August – Summer party, Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes Thursday, 24 September – Coffee morning, Island Sailing Club, Cowes Saturday, 17 October – Mobile display van (Selling Christmas cards etc), Newport town centre Tuesday, 20 October – Lunch, The Red Duster Restaurant, Cowes Thursday, 19 November – French evening, Murrays Seafood Restaurant, Cowes Wednesday, 2 December – Christmas coffee morning, Island Sailing Club, Cowes

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