David Ortiz Glad For Glen Big Baby Davis 2009: Glen Davis

David Ortiz glad for Glen Big Baby Davis

And when Glen Davis nailed the winning jumper from the corner, Ortiz was noticeably animated, clapping and nodding enthusiastically.
It turns out there’s a history there. “I was so pumped at second base, pulling for my boys,” Ortiz said. “It’s so great to watch what they’re doing, especially without KG (Kevin Garnett). I’m so happy for Big Baby. He has improved his game so much.” “Do you know what he told me two years ago” Ortiz said. “He had just gotten here. He was walking around and everyone thought he was a bodyguard, he was so big. Then we started talking. “He told me, ‘Papi, one day I’m going to be like you in Boston.’ I keep that in mind. When I watch him play now, how much he has improved, I always go back to that.” Buch stops here Daniel Bard arrived last night. Can Clay Buchholz be far behind
Currently a victim of a numbers game at the big league level, Buchholz is nonetheless making his pitch for a promotion with a dominating start at Triple-A Pawtucket.

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