Free Posting: Hip Hop, R&B, Urban Arts/Fashion, Music Industry Releases Please send all publicity materials to: hiphoppress(at)netweed(dot)com NEW YORK, NY, May 1, 2009 – D’Gianni, a high-end lingerie line, will be launching its newest collection on May 10th Mother’s Day. Along with brunch, the line will showcase their new pieces on the luxurious chartered yacht, Cloud Nine. A portion of the proceeds of the D’Gianni fashion show will be donated to the Susan B Komen for the Cure, the leading organization on the fight against breast cancer. The owners of D’Gianni hope that their line becomes open to a broader audience. The brand focuses on intimate sleepwear for all shapes and sizes. Their goal is for all to feel sexy, happy, and to shed your inhibitions. For tickets and additional details visit D’Gianni at www.dgianni.com. For press inquires, contact Nickie Robinson of GoodGirlPR at nickiegoodgirlpr.com or 212.560.5101. About D’Gianni D’Gianni started in 2000, in the hopes of inspiring people to shed their inhibitions and rid themselves of all their insecurities when it comes to their bodies. The upscale lingerie line has had numerous fashion shows in New York City. Their newest collection launches in May 2009. About GoodGirlPR GoodGirlPR is a public relations firm, which specializes in the execution of powerful and persuasive publicity campaign strategies that are innovative, creative, and cost effective. We value our clients and their goals. Our duty is to help build our clients brand and give the brand ultimate exposure through events, media resources, and an effective digital marketing campaign.
Contact: GoodGirlPR Nickie E Robinson 212-560-5101 nickiegoodgirlpr.com