Donate Your Books Help The Libraries 2009: Presented Brooklyn

Donate your books help the libraries

Presented by The Brooklyn Bugle Comment from caryl shulman Time: May 25, 2009, 12:20 pm Hi: I am a retired elementary school teacher (I
taught for 35 years) and I have an extensive children’s book collection. I also have a huge amount of teaching materials for reading, math, science, social studies, etc.. I would like to donate my collection to a school that would benefit or any other organization that could use these items. I want these materials to be used, not sold for paper value. It would be a crime for these things to go to waste. I have workbooks and teacher editions for a number of programs used in a successful New York school district. I have more than fifteen large plastic bins filled with my collection. My children’s books also include reference materials that children, even in middle school, could use.
Caryl Shulman 631-499-7082 home 631-806-3279 cell

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